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Staff Complaint - Ratty Riot
Before you delete this post or decide to ban me, allow me the freedom to defend myself and the players of Halo. Don't claim that I've been a bad moderator, considering I left your community on good terms and didn't directly attack the playerbase and its platforms (The Discord and the SS13 server).

I wish to chime in as an ex-moderator that got banished from Halo for leaking the logs of staff, who actively dissed players in ONI and in private while ensuring that said players couldn't and wouldn't be able to see those messages. Those logs have been sent to a lot of people, especially to some people on the Halo Staff team that agree with my stance on this subject.

General Zane has a solid, just standing in this instance, considering that everything listed in his google document is correct and doesn't come out of their ass. Crom, we spoke to one another in private twice regarding my resignation and decision to leave, which you blamed on ratty. Multiple times I explained to you that the issue isn't strictly him, that it's the way the community is ran, the carelessness of the staff team, and the multitude of absolutely bad decisions that got numerous donators and old-timers banned.

Crom, you personally told me in our DMs that ratty was to never get Administrator privileges, which you cannot deny, considering It's in the logs between me and you during our lengthy discussion. You claimed that Ratty couldn't differentiate "right from wrong", that they had issues and didn't know what they were doing wrong. You also claimed that you hated seeing them nag at me and attack me, one of the reasons you claimed to have spoken to them "numerous" times and that they were to be demoted from their position if they attacked me or another player one more time. You didn't hold that word, which I still think is a lie. When I came to you with my complaint that your staff was acting the way they did in ONI, you blamed ME for not telling people who were Head Admins and Senior Admins to not shit-talk players.

Ratty has always been a bad person, they cried victim on numerous occasions to get people they disliked banned. Used their moderator powers to their leverage, because YOU allowed them to do so while acknowledging that they were unjust. They were banned and kicked on numerous occasions in the past, shit-talked many people and are universally disliked by the community, though they do have a handful of friends on there that they talk to.

Throughout our conversation, I came to the conclusion that Ratty is unstable and mentally ill, considering that's how you described their actions. Let me just add one more thing though! You don't care about the outcome of this man's staff complaint, it'll be swept under the rug and ignored as is any other staff complaint. It's a factual statement, considering day one of my time as a mod, I got pulled into a conversation with Desolane and you. The way this works usually is when there is a complaint made against a certain staff member, you'll try to defend them religiously as to kill the flame that's been generated by their actions depending on the severity.

I'm going to end this by saying that you need to think this through this time around, don't defend people blindly, their activity doesn't make them a good staff member, nor that they can ban someone for coming in and spamming the n-word. What matters most are the actions of the player, both past and present, which in this case have always been rotten and malicious.

"1# The censorship really lowers the credibility of the claims, as the chosen userbase could be corrupted. It also makes investigation much harder on our part when doing personal research into the matter."

Censorship doesn't matter, these claims are correct on every level, this could easily be a moderator or administrator. Remember when I tried to deal with a sitatuion regarding Magnum, you pulled me into a VC with desolane to tell me how you don't trust me, and to question meif I've been leaking logs.

"2# Multiple members of the chosen userbase I would tag as invalid, either due to them being a banned user or they didn't answer any of the questions at all, instead opting for a rant."

Of course you'd ignore statements by banned members, they're obviously people who you shouldn't listen to because you don't really care about their standing regardless of the argument they'd make.

"3# This is put in a staff complaint but there is a lack of evidence from the claims aside from a few cases of rude behavior. I am not sure where to put this, but as a staff complaint, I really didn't want to spend an hour reading an opinion piece."

"Opinion pieces" is an understatement, you purposefully glance over the fact they've been banned a multitude of times for their behavior, then they became staff and started banning said players through claiming victimhood. There are logs upon logs, upon logs that you can sit there and delete all you want, but they are on the discord and any player can see Ratty's posts in both general and other open channels. Fool me once shame on me, fool me twice shame on you - Just got sent to me, so I'm updating this. - Dude thinks he's being stalked online, really cements the idea he isn't alright, still shitting on me behind my back after I left the community and at a point where I was unable to join in and see what was being said. The server he's referring to is WarlordToby's server, which I joined in after MemeMachine and Bolter let me know that he did DnD runs and similar stuff to that. Why ratty brought up the channel thing was, is because every time I'd join a VC with him and other users, he'd mute himself and disconnect. - There's a big shift in their behavior after I left, becoming more hostile and acting like they didn't censor themselves around me while I was still a staff member, they do that with everyone they dislike, acting nice and friendly up until the point the user they hate is banned. Look into that, it's a well-known fact. - Another piece of evidence for their rancid behavior never really changing.

This is recent stuff that you can view the date of.

Messages In This Thread
Staff Complaint - Ratty Riot - by GeneralZane - 04-30-2020, 03:23 AM
RE: Staff Complaint - Ratty Riot - by SeederJoe - 05-03-2020, 08:11 AM
RE: Staff Complaint - Ratty Riot - by SeederJoe - 05-03-2020, 07:27 PM
RE: Staff Complaint - Ratty Riot - by GeneralZane - 05-03-2020, 09:13 PM
RE: Staff Complaint - Ratty Riot - by SeederJoe - 05-03-2020, 08:13 PM
RE: Staff Complaint - Ratty Riot - by SeederJoe - 05-03-2020, 08:59 PM
RE: Staff Complaint - Ratty Riot - by SeederJoe - 05-03-2020, 09:53 PM
RE: Staff Complaint - Ratty Riot - by SeederJoe - 05-03-2020, 10:35 PM
RE: Staff Complaint - Ratty Riot - by SeederJoe - 05-03-2020, 11:12 PM
RE: Staff Complaint - Ratty Riot - by SeederJoe - 05-04-2020, 08:27 AM
RE: Staff Complaint - Ratty Riot - by SeederJoe - 05-04-2020, 10:50 AM
RE: Staff Complaint - Ratty Riot - by SeederJoe - 05-04-2020, 12:58 PM
RE: Staff Complaint - Ratty Riot - by SeederJoe - 05-04-2020, 06:03 PM

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