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Plaugewalker Spartan Application


Discord name (eg Bob#123): Mister Mann#8940

How long have you been a Whitelisted ODST?: When the original VT9 was a thing before being brought back in the most recent update so in total 4 months possibly

Have you ever been banned here, or on other servers?:
Banned from the discord here for a time. And, two other servers serving full ex communications though, one of them is more of a mild request. I've increased my therapy sessions due to it. I will make this abundantly clear I have been and will curb myself if I start getting terrible. If need be for explanation just DM me.

Do you understand and agree to follow the rules linked above, as well as the Faction Rules of the UNSC and the Server Rules?
I understand what's expected me, and that holding a spartan whitelist requires a higher standard given.

Do you understand that whitelisted Spartans are expected to comment on and observe the conduct of other Spartans and Spartan Applicants, on the forums as well as discord?
I understand that fully to the letter.

Name of the Spartan you want to play (Name-000. Try and avoid commonly known numbers like -117.):
Elias-076 or Elias-115

Explain what you would do in the following scenarios and why:

Scenario 1:

You’re on the ONI Aegis and the ONI RD requests a Sierra team to deploy to VT9, as the covenant have been spotted and are attacking. They have not breached the gate and it is unclear as to the size of their forces. What do you do?

I get two pieces of information from the RD or ONI Security Commander before deploying. First, I ask if the covenant have been physically spotted, then I ask the size of the force in comparison to the ONI defending force. If it is larger than the ONI force, or there are a large number of elite units, I deploy and assist the local security forces in securing the base. If it is only a few scouts, I will let them handle it, unless there are no guards at all.
Scenario 2:

You’re on the ONI Aegis and receive an urgent request from a Platoon Leader to deploy onto the UNSC Warship as the Insurrectionists have deployed a sizeable force and are taking control of the ship, and arming the nuclear device as they request assistance. What do you do?

Time being a commodity I wouldn't have, and having assumed the Insurrectionists were strong enough to overtake the marines on board and defeat and able to arm the FENRIS Nuke. At that point, my objectives would be as followed 1.Disarm the bomb to prevent the loss of the ship 2. Deal with an Insurrectionists along the way by any means needed. 3. Attend to sweeping for any stragglers 
Scenario 3:

You’ve been deployed on a mission to give the covenant back their bomb. You manage to arm the bomb, but your fellow spartan has been cut down and his body is being dragged away by the Covenant towards an escape pod. What do you do? 
The first priority is securing the Mjolnir armor system. If the timer on the bomb is below 60 seconds, kill the forces defending the body, and immediately make my way to an escape pod with the body, if that's not an option , activate the self destruct and move to an escape pod. Alternatively, if the timer is above the time it takes for defusal, I leave the bomb entirely and ensure that the body doesn't fall into Covenant hands. After destroying the body with the suits self-destruct mechanism, I move back to the bomb and complete the mission

Messages In This Thread
Plaugewalker Spartan Application - by plaguewalker - 02-09-2020, 12:17 AM
RE: Plaugewalker Spartan Application - by Loaf - 02-09-2020, 04:41 AM

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