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Domodyl - Covenant White-list Application
Ckey: Domodyl

Discord name: Domo#1150

In-character name: Domus

general character info:  Domus hails from a war pack that was shortly adopted into the Covenants fold, his purpose was the same as his pack mates, to reak havoc on heretic worlds and bases on behalf the of prophets, Domus quickly fell in line with the beliefs of the Covenant, hoping to prove himself more than the common brute. 

Reason for joining : I have always prioritized playing the Covenant faction within the server, sadly three months ago I was blacklisted from the whitelist, thankfully my appeal to have another chance has been approved, I love playing the covenant on the server and hope to make each round I play slightly more enjoyable for anyone involved. 

Roleplay Example/History: My favorite roleplay example would be the time when I was given the chance to play as a zealot during a flood event, during the event the covenant faction and the human faction had to put their beliefs aside if they wished to survive, back to back the once enemies fought, forging a respect for one another amidst the corpses at their feet. 

Messages In This Thread
Domodyl - Covenant White-list Application - by Domodyl - 01-27-2020, 04:02 AM

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