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Ingredients Moderator Application
Age: 29

Ckey: Ingredients

Discord Name: Ingredients

Timezone: Central Time

Time in SS13:  I'm not sure, at least five years.

Any SS13 Bans: Hah. I was banned from paradise station, because when I asked an admin whether or not I should order a space wizard to be killed on sight, and they said I wasn't fit to be the captain and then perma job banned and I responded by saying that was a "gay" move because I was RPing to my hearts content, but just trying to learn more about the job at hand. They then took dispute with my use of the word "gay" oocly... When I attempted to ask if I could use their forums in order to argue a case for a way to use the word gay without intentionally demeaning homosexual people, the admin who I think was the head admin at the time responded with much hostility. I then expressed the idea that their inability to even hear me out was a form of repression but that I wouldn't say it anymore and the admin responded by permabanning me.  I don't regret that for a moment and fuck paradise station's admins who I now mostly view as people who believe they are "all that" just because they can ban who they like without really affecting their player base. That is my only ban ever on SS13 however, and did happen a few years ago when I was much newer to the lore.

Prior Moderation experience: I've admined on a Fallout 13 Server before. Though I did get cut from their ranks because they claimed I focused too much on the RP instead of the actual job. A claim I dispute to this day as when they first mentioned they believed I was doing this I took the time and effort to do my best to respond to every ticket that came my way when I was online even while I was providing players with probably the most interesting and creative RP stories and quests the server ever had to offer before and after I was an admin there. I am not bragging so you know, just stating a fact as I had never seen any other admin create an entirely new town for instance, and then add quest materials around the entire map for players to find in order to obtain unique weapons (which were not overpowered), and at the same time use the Custom made characters RP in order to attempt to bring players together by having an additional quest to recruit more players to the town in order to cause real-time changes to said town which reflected player population or other secondary quest option which involved player made town improvements. They did ask me to reapply as an admin though as they wanted to give me another chance, but I saw that the server was in a downward spiral with that sort of attitude and decision making so I did not do so. I was right in the end, that server has been dead for quite a while now, again that is also not a brag as that was the most interesting and fun Fallout Server I have ever played on to date, and I continued to RP there even after I was no longer an admin and brought RP to the server as much as I could as a player often playing as a bartender who would attempt to act as a shop and quest giver via the remaining admins help.  *cough* Rengusta *cough* 

Before Fallout I had also admined on multiple Dragon Universe servers, and that only ended when the various server hosts decided to shut down their servers either from lack of funds or available time. I've been offered the chance to Admin more on Dragon Universe servers back when I was super into it, but I refused because at that time I wanted to focus on IC and I knew that all the A-Chat and other messages tended to interfere with my RP capabilities.

Personally, I think the most important thing about moderating is: Being as fair and balanced as possible, never make a decision admin-wise because you feel personally slighted, and if you are unsure about your own personal ruling you should collaborate with any other admins you can in order to ascertain whether you the admin are in the right, or if the player, in fact, might be. As a moderator or admin you should understand you are fallible and to act without either some sort of investigation or coming to an understanding with the player in question can damage your player base more then you think.

Ingredients' Custom Question:
Why do you want to be an admin on this server?:
I thoroughly enjoy this server's theme, I hope I have shown at least a little bit of that by becoming a collaborator on some of the flavor projects and in-game RP which dozens of players have gone on to enjoy. I also have noticed a lack of any number of admins online at times, especially during low-pop times. I personally dislike that there is more often than not (at least when I am online) no one around to help those players (those who play even in low pop) because those players are the ones who enjoy the game so much that they don't require a certain population limit to join in and try to have a good time despite the obstacles these players face. I think it is important to remember that without our low pop players there would be no high pop at all since no one would ever want to join the game because there aren't enough players on for their liking.

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Ingredients Moderator Application - by Ingredients - 09-30-2018, 11:26 PM

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