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ODST Application
Ckey: CaelumZ

Discord Name: Caelum[color=rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6)]#4345[/color]

Character(s): Rex Lombardi

How does your character interact with the world around them and the people in it?: A nihilistic attitude with a bit of a streak for chance, his negative attitude is offset slightly by his ability to be a risk taker. He's the one who's willing to be the first one through the door. He's the one who takes a chance to grab his dying or injured allies and drag them out of the line of enemy fire. He's takes a lot of risky challenges, because he just doesn't care. He smokes, he drinks, he gambles, he's gutter scum. But damned if he isn't a good soldier.

Provide a brief description of your character: Chance grew up on an outer colony of minimal significance. The world was ripe with all sorts of bad habits- A drug stained, scum filled planet with the worst of the worst criminals on it. He was caught by the authorities on a drug run when he was 16, and lied about his age. Given a choice between prison and rehabilitation through military service, he took the clean record sweep and joined the UNSC. From there, he proved himself a capable, if not extremely reliable soldier. His primary job of course was Requisitions, but it was his secondary, rifleman, that gained him his reputation on a fringe world where he and his unit were pinned down by insurrectionist fire for three days, supplied only by orbit. It was there he earned his frontier ribbon. 

Brought back aboard the ship, a year later he lost his arm and leg in an ammunition loading accident. With a mechanical leg and arm, it was several years of outstanding service before he was brought into the ODST program for his efforts on the fringe world. His conditioning, blessed by his mechanical arm and leg actually making him a more reliable combat fighter, pushed him through the ranks.

Do you understand that members of this whitelist are held to a higher standard of roleplay?: Yes

Do you understand that if your behavior is deemed inappropriate you will be removed from the whitelist?: Yes

Do you understand that breaking a server rule can remove you from this whitelist permanently?: Yes

Messages In This Thread
ODST Application - by Caelum - 08-01-2018, 11:33 AM
RE: ODST Application - by BDpuffy420 - 08-02-2018, 11:31 PM

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