02-04-2022, 05:39 PM
Ckey: Bruno-Asbahr
Discord name: Bruno-Asbahr#2235
In-character name: Andrew Silveira
General character info: Andrew Silveira is a man who values people's lives for this reason he cared more about caring for the wounded and saving them.
Which role is your character's main: I like to play doctor or field doctor more but sometimes i want to play as another profession.
Reason for joining: Well, I've been interested in UNSC for a while and would like to be a part of it.
Discord name: Bruno-Asbahr#2235
In-character name: Andrew Silveira
General character info: Andrew Silveira is a man who values people's lives for this reason he cared more about caring for the wounded and saving them.
Which role is your character's main: I like to play doctor or field doctor more but sometimes i want to play as another profession.
Reason for joining: Well, I've been interested in UNSC for a while and would like to be a part of it.