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Sharkguy37's Job Ban appeal
Your Byond/Ckey Username: Sharkgu37

Your Discord Username: Sharkguy37#7757

Your character name (if relevant): Serenity Ann

Who were you banned by: 5crownik007

Date of ban: 1/2/2020

Length of ban: indefinite/not specified by admin

Full ban reason: for shooting a detective in a pelican, Incompetent XO

Appeal details/ Why should you be unbanned: I was flying in a pelican delivering supplies and medevac as well as transportation for troops, the colony MAC was being attacked by reportedly two innies, I respond and Lee Alexson is the only marine available to join the response. I try and drop him in by the mac but he refuses, disobeying orders. we fly back after getting shot at. He then insists that he fly instead. I say no but he says he's glitched and unable to shoot in gunner. I tell him that im dropping him off but he ignores that and demands to let him pilot. I give him the pilot seat just so he can land and go. Instead, he goes towards the MAC and then I see two men following the innie description given to me before, all black and armed, I saw the swat officer retreating from these two men. since i was unable to examine while in a pelican. The pilot, Lee, started flying erratically and recklessly going in circles and making it impossible to shoot straight, while attempting to shoot at the innie who had fired at the pelican, because lee kept flying all over the place and refused to hold still, again disobeying orders, a machine gun burst struck and decapitated the detective.
As Insanegame27 was the moderator who handled most of the ticket, and adjudicated that they be jobbanned, (I only did the jobban because Insanegame was either unable to ban them or couldn't figure out how) Insanegame should be the one to determine if you are unbanned. However, as I was present in the round, I can definitely say you're describing it inaccurately. You fired directly at the detective, and your story during the round was that he "matched the innies description", while there were actual innies nearby that the detective was firing at in clear view of the pelican, and the innies were wearing black helmets and the detective was wearing a trenchcoat and no helmet.
This appeal is too early, you were only job banned today. According to other staff, you've been incompetent as an XO for two weeks, and this friendly fire incident made me believe that you needed more time as a marine before you get XO back. You stated in the ticket that you were uncomfortable with being the pelican gunner, which is not a problem someone with the rank of XO should be having. I'd like to see improvement in competency as a whole.

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