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Covenant application: 15RuneSif
Ckey: 15RuneSif

Discord name: 15RuneSif

In-character name: Guilan

General character info: There's not too much to say currently, frankly. He's a kig-yar, fairly mild mannered and tends to end up in support roles such as stabilizing other covvies or doing ship damage control. Isn't particularly bloodthirsty, but he's loyal enough to do what's needed of him. He understands his place in the hierarchy, and likes to display his usefulness to ingratiate himself to superiors.

Reason for joining: After playing around in all the factions for a bit, I found myself having the most fun with the covenant. There's roleplay, there's action, and there's danger, it's fun for me. Plus, aliens are just cool.

Roleplay Example/History: I've floated around SS13 since lunacode but quit forever ago, only recently resurfaced to play again. I've played HRP, LRP and outright chaotic servers in abundance, though my recollection of robustness is fairly rusty now. Otherwise I'm invested in a lot of tabletop games (GURPS, Traveller, etc). I play for the fun and stories, as opposed to racking up kills or end of the round wins.
For the great journey!
[Image: 76561198068836779.png]

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