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Humanitarian Aid Group
A relatively small addition code-wise as far as I'm aware, but would require some spriting and mapping work.

The humanitarian group would be a small, one-role (possibly with sub-roles) "faction" that would not align with any of the other factions in the game. Humanitarian workers would all be at least slightly medically inclined, and would be tasked with providing care to anyone they find or that finds them, be it insurrectionist, marine, police, or colonist (Covenant would necessarily be excluded, considering hardly anyone even knows about them yet, much less how to treat them).

Working off of a small hospital ship that is mostly medbay, with a small engine section, cockpit, and possible 1 or 2 hangars for ambulance pelicans, there would be plenty of medical supplies and all of the equipment that would be needed to bring back anyone that could possibly be brought back. Care could include anything from bandaging a bleeding wound, to providing food and water, to emergency surgical intervention or cardiac resuscitation.

Humanitarian workers would not be using weapons in any way, shape, or form, unless things go seriously and horribly wrong (such as a Flood attack), as not only do they make themselves a possible enemy to other factions, they by extent make any of their co-workers a possible enemy, a massive no-no that ruins their neutral position. If you want to be a non-aligned doctor but have the option to start blasting one side, be a colony doctor instead.

Thanks to this neutral-ness, other factions should generally be treating humanitarian workers nicely or at least letting them do their thing, as long as they're not getting in the way. This is, of course, "generally," and morally questionable plans or circumstances could change this, but the entire point of the group is to be treating anyone they can.

OOCly, this is quite nice as, most of the time, if you are shot into crit by an enemy, there's hardly any chance you'll be rescued unless you're found by an extraordinarily nice enemy doctor, or your faction manages to recover you to treat you. With the addition of this group, not only there a role that will be there to treat you regardless of your side, they should both be actively seeking you out and be allowed to treat you, increasing the likelihood of returning to the round without having to respawn.

ICly, humanitarian workers are another slice of the "what's going to go horribly wrong this time?" wheel. Perhaps the colony MAC begins firing on the hospital ship, and no one's sure who's manning it- the URF blames the UNSC, and the UNSC blames the URF. An insurrectionist infiltrates the UNSC frigate and begins firing its MAC at the hospital ship to make the UNSC look bad. Either side could even demand the humanitarian group stop treating the opposite side, and retaliate against them if they didn't, if they wanted to go that far.
Suggestion will be implemented, I'll start remodeling the Innie's Asteroid Base after Tranq is merged. :thumbs_up:
+1 this idea
[Image: 76561198068836779.png]
it would be very interesting to see a neutral faction that heals both sides and is not combat focused.
You could add a Light blue Pelican and a hospital ship with that or a base for them.

You could have a role with subroles:
Humanitarian Worker (Humanitarian Guard/Humanitarian Doctor/Humanitarian Paramedic)

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