URFS Thorn

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URFS Thorn


United Rebel Front


URF Geurrilla Navy


Light Cruiser/Transport


Disrupt UMSC patrols, carry Insurrectionists from the asteroid base, raid civilian ships


UNSC Thorin, POS


1st Battle of Gliese 884, 2nd Battle of Gliese 884, 3rd Battle of Gliese 884, 4th Battle of Gliese 884, 5th Battle of Gliese 884, 5th Battle of Gliese 884, 6th Battle of Gliese 884



The URFS Thorn, also known by the sobriquet "UNSC Thorin", is a cargo ship turned light cruiser. It was originally utilized by the UNSC as a patrolship in the Gliese 884 sector until additional modifications to incorporate a land force in 2489. The ship was later captured by the URF to replace the CCV Comet


The URFS Thorn started as the CCV Thorin as a cargo ship carrying ores to the colonies. Built by Scottland Yards, the ship was never intended for combat.

During the era of Insurrection, the ship was refitted with missiles and autocannons after the UNSC commandeered it for use. The ship was redesignated the UNSC Thorin and used as a light cruiser. The ship would first be used a support ship, hopping fleets as the UNSC experimented with fleet layouts. However the platform of the ship was too weak to be considered enough for support and its size limited the modifications of its weapons. In 2489, it would be given a lower deck for SOIEVs for a ODST contingent and sent to VT9 to patrol the planets in the sector as the sole ship the UNSC could use to patrol. In 2497 it was given the 113th Shock Troops Division, however due to size restraints it couldn't hold more than two Fireteams. It was agreed upon that the 113th would operate out of the 4th Battlegroup that was flagshipped by the UNSC Hammer, which conducted operations close to VT9.

The Thorin would defend planet VT9-042 and act as a training ship for upcoming Naval officers, resulting in constantly shifting crew. However the ODSTs would remain consistent. It would be remarked as a shoddy ship, but a good shoddy ship and serve well into 2513, when in the 6th Battle of Gliese 884 it fell to the URF due to incompetence, insubordination, and lack of command.

The URF would make haste altercations, stripping the weapons except for two missile pods, putting on two chainguns instead. They also replaced the ODST section with a bomb construction bay, much to the dismay of the local URF command. These decisions were not made by the URF Cell in the Gliese 884 system, being their repurposing was for anti-civilian roles. The weapons would be taken by the greater URF command to help outfit its larger ships. The "UNSC Thorin" inscribed was defaced due to lack of materials, white paint crossing out "UNSC" and the "I" in "Thorin", making Thorn the new name out of spite of the UNSC.