Covenant Empire Fax Formats

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Standard Superluminal Communication Form


Standard Superluminal Communication Form

[small]Use of superluminal communication arrays is only to be performed by Obedientiaries or officers of similar position.[/small]

[small]Date- (Insert Information) [field] Time- (Insert Information) [field]

Name- (Insert Information) [field] Position- (Insert Information) [field] [/small]

Subject- (Insert Information) [field]

[/small] [hr] [hr] [small]Approved by, (Insert Information) [sign][/small]

Misbehavior Notification Communication Form


Misbehavior Notification Communication Form

[small]Use of supraluminal communication arrays is only to be performed by Obedientiaries or officers of similar position.[/small] [hr] [hr] [small]Date-[field] Time-[field]

Name- (Insert Information) [field] Position- (Insert Information) [field] [/small]

Subject- (Insert Information)

Transgressions- (Insert Information) [field]

Requesting orders for judgement.

[/small] [hr] [hr] [small]Approved by, (Insert Information) [sign][/small]