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Hello, it me, local Code-diving player with all 3 general Faction WLs.

I have a shitty abridged guide to Halostation Medical.

Wounds and how to treat them or something
Damage Cause/How to Treat
Brute/Burn You get this damage type from getting hit with bullets, plasma, explosions, melee, etc.
Take Bicaridine for Brute, Kelotane/Dermaline for Burn.
Bandages or Brute kits for Brute, Ointment or Burn kits for Burn. Brute Kits also work on infected limbs.
Biofoam will heal this as well but only to a certain level.
You also passively slowly heal this type of damage.
Toxin This one's a little trickier. It can be caused by Overdosing, high Liver/Kidney damage or Radiation. Radiation is taken from getting hit by Covenant Carbines and Fuel Rod Cannons and also Rad Storms. It causes Toxin damage and also damages the liver.
Take Dylovene. This also heals liver damage and has no OD threshold.
Hyronalin will usually be taken for low Irradiation levels.
Arithrazine is another option that can be taken and reduces Irradiation really fast but constantly deals slight brute, but this is always outhealed by your passive healing.
If you have a mutation then take Ryetalin.

No Limbs? You have been limb-targetted or ran out of fuel while jetpacking or you were stuck with a plasma grenade and were unlucky. You have lost a limb.
Go to your Medbay. Take a syringe. Take your blood out. Inject it into the bioprinter. 
Go to the Surgery Table. Saw off the stump of your limb with a saw. Attach the newly printed replacement limb on. Use a hemostat to reconnect the muscles and nerves.
Or go ask someone else to do it to you lol
HEART/LUNG DAMAGE You got fucked up by the enemy and now have organ damage.
Take Peridaxon. Necrosis Inhibitor AutoInjectors (purple) contain this. Peridaxon heals organ damage but will knock you out and you'll need multiple doses to fully heal if you got shot too hard.
Biofoam can also fix heavy organ damage, but will never fully fix it.
Autosurgeon - if it has your species in its database, you can climb on and get the damage treated fast. Just be sure to take Tri-Adrenaline or have a friend watch over you cause your heart may stop while it's operating on you. Being irradiated can cause it to be stuck in an endless cycle of Liver Treatment.
The Manual Way - Surgery. Scalpel -> Retractor ->Saw -> Brute Kit for Chest/Head organs. If your organs were decaying, you'll need application of Peridaxon from a beaker/dropper OR
Necrotised?? - No way to fix this bub. Just print new organs and replace the dead ones. Make sure to watch for brain damage levels. To do this you just Scalpel -> Retractor -> Saw -> Scalpel to cut the organ out -> Hemostat to extract the dead organ -> Insert the replacement -> FixoVein to attach the organ.
Liver Damage You either got irradiated or built up toxin damage from your (Conc)Hyperzine/Synaptizine addiction.
Just take Dylovene to heal the damage.
For Rads just take Hyronalin or Arithrazine.
Brain Damage The one thing that keeps you in the game. Brain Damage is caused by lower than normal blood oxygenation from either low blood levels, your Heart/Lungs not being at full health or your pulse being 0. The Brain takes more damage the less blood oxygenation there is, so you better be watching your BO levels.
Dexalin/+ helps to slow down brain damage progression by keeping Blood Oxygenation at a certain level. Does not work if you have no pulse. trust me, i've tried.
Biofoam will heal your brain, all the way from nearly dead, so it's good for extending your lifespan. Doesn't fix the cause of your low blood oxygenation though.
Alkysine will fix your brain damage, but causes unconsciousness and dizziness.
Everything else Biofoam fixes everything else lol. It fixes Internal Bleeding, Arterial Bleeding, Broken Bones, ETC.
If the wound is Fucked Tendon, you'll need Surgery, just Scalpel -> FixoVein.
If you have a disease, just take Spaceacillin injectors.