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Revision as of 16:45, 14 November 2020 by SharkLordSatan (talk | contribs)
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uhhh hi my name is paige and im a gamer

also im just gonna drop WIP shit here i guess --

So, You Wanna Play Halo: Space Station Evolved.

First off, this guide will assume you know the basics behind playing Space Station 13. If you don't, then we highly recommend that you go play on a different server (i.e Fulpstation, Beestation, Colonial Marines, TGCM, etc.) so that you may familiarize yourself.

On top of that, please familiarize yourself with the server's rules, which you can find here.

Know the basics? Good! Let's get started. Let's start off by creating your characters. Yes, characters, not character.

Making Your Character!

When you first log in to the server, you'll be greeted with a window with multiple options; Setup Character, View the Crew Manifest, Join Game, Observe, and Show Player Polls. Click on Setup Character.

The character creation screen.

Here you can configure your character to your liking. Let's run through the options here.

At the very top of the page shows your options with the character slots. You can have up to ten different characters. Below that are different tabs for customizing specific aspects of your character. Ignore them for now, and focus on the "General" tab - the one we're looking at now. Here's a run-down list of all the options you'll see on this page.