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The Unggoy are a sapient species of squat bipedal xeno-arthropodal vertebroid lifeforms in the unified races of the Covenant Empire. They were the fourth species to be assimilated into the Covenant.They are the lowest-ranking species in the hierarchy, and are frequently mistreated by almost every higher-ranking race. Unggoy are primarily used as laborers, slaves, or in combat situations, as cannon fodder. They are one of the later races to be introduced into the Covenant, and were either the second or third Covenant species to be encountered by humans. They are referred to as Grunts by humans, as they are considered weak in comparison to their superiors, because they perform the majority of the physical labor required by the Covenant and they lack the knowledge of combat compared to other Covenant species.


The Unggoy are native to the planet of Balaho. They were used as slaves, laborers, or cannon fodder. Generally poor combatants due to cowardice, lack of tactical aptitude, and being poor shots; they are often deployed in large numbers to compensate. They can wield two-handed weapons with just one hand, due to their strong physical structure despite being small framed. They have a bitter rivalry with the Kig-Yar race, due to them encroaching on Kig-Yar territory and displacing their nests.


Unggoy Deacon
Unggoy Deacon
Reclamation, Outer Colonies
Lore Description: The Deacon is the only rank within the Ministry of Tranquility allowed for Unggoy use. These are more often than not priests, but can be considered command advisors too. Intelligence wise, they are significantly smarter than your average Grunt, even compared to Ultras. Often these are only deployed on missionary vessels to police the Kig-Yar crew, but are also on other small vessels.

Job Description: You're the Unggoy Deacon stationed with the local covenant forces. Your job is to provide morale to all members of the force, mostly through means of religious speeches pertaining to the Forerunners and the Great Journey. Your main audience will be your fellow Unggoy, but that doesn't stop other races from listening to you. Make sure nobody commits heresy, while you aren't fit to enforce rules, you can report to to the Sangheili or take the required response yourself.

Roleplay Level: High

Skill Level: Low

Competence: Medium

Unique Feature: Energy Shielding

Unggoy Ultra
Unggoy Ultra
Reclamation, Outer Colonies
Lore Description: The Unggoy Ultra is a veteran Grunt who has seen his fair share of bloodshet and battle. While they are still as weak as any other Grunt without armor, the Ultra armor is an improved version of both Major and Minor, allowing for more tanking of shots. Generally this rank is for more competent Unggoy, along with Unggoy who have a decent shot.

Job Description: You're an Unggoy Ultra serving with the Covenant Hegemony. Your job is to follow your superior's orders and lead your fellow Unggoy into battle. Technically you have authority over baseline Kig-Yar and T'vaoan Minors, but hardly anyone will care for such authority from an Unggoy and you will likely get lynched. It's a good idea to grab a needler too, due to your higher ranking.

Roleplay Level: Low

Skill Level: Medium

Competence: Medium

Unique Feature: N/A

Unggoy Major
Unggoy Major
Reclamation, Outer Colonies
Lore Description: The Unggoy Major is a Grunt who has been in a few battles and sorta knows his stuff. He isn't the best shot in the world, but he can hit a target. They have very low intelligence, just like Unggoy Minors. Often these are just Unggoy who have survived previous battles.

Job Description: As an Unggoy Major it is your duty and job to fall in line. You are essentially a better Minor, and don't have much authority over those under you - but you still can tell them what to do and what not to do. Players should pick this if they are decently experienced at the game.

Roleplay Level: Low

Skill Level: Low-Medium

Competence: Low

Unique Feature: N/A

Unggoy Minor
Unggoy Minor
Reclamation, Outer Colonies
Lore Description: This rank of Unggoy is completely new to the military, and probably hasn't seen very many battles yet. Often they are extremely inexperienced and lack a lot of mental capacity, but they make up for it in sheer numbers.

Job Description: The first role you should play as Covenant. Generally your job is to just "Follow everyone else and relevant orders" but you can do stuff from building to medical duty if you want to.

Roleplay Level: Low

Skill Level: Low

Competence: Low

Unique Feature: N/A

Special Roles

Unggoy Honor Guard
Unggoy Honor Guard
Lore Description: No honor is greater than this! Such a rank bestowed upon a mere Unggoy is sure to put awe to your fellow Grunts and surely inspire morale! Some hierarchs up in high charity were smoking some mad weed and thought of giving Unggoy red armor and the authority to protect them. Whether it's actually just paper mache or state of the art power armor, nobody knows. What they do know is your job is to protect the prophet you are assigned to whatever the cost.

Job Description: You get the ultimate responsibility to guard a prophet as an Unggoy. Generally your job is to just stick around your assigned prophet and not speak, and when your prophet's life is in danger, you even have authority over Sangheili that aren't honor guards!

Roleplay Level: aurora player




Unggoy Specops
Unggoy Specops
Admin Spawn
Lore Description: Specops Unggoy are members of Special Operations in the Covenant Hegemony. Their goal is primarily to assist Special Operations Sangheili in their duties, but are sometimes deployed solo if needed. They are highly trained compared to normal Unggoy, and have intelligence that of an Unggoy Ultra or even higher. Often they are granted more powerful tools too.

Job Description: You're a member of Special Operations in the Covenant. Your job is to assist your Sangheili superiors and use your advanced cloaking harness to the best of your abilities to surprise your enemies and attack them. Sometimes you will be deployed on covert operations in which you will sneak behind enemy lines and sabotage, but it's best you do all the big thinking to the Sangheili.

Roleplay Level: Medium

Skill Level: Medium-High

Competence: Medium

Unique Feature: Cloaking Device

Unggoy Heavy Trooper
Unggoy Heavy
Admin Spawn
Lore Description: Unggoy Heavy Troopers are entrusted with the heavy weapons given to the unggoy, such as the Fuel Rod Cannon and other weapons.

Job Description: You will act as a support role for the rest of your force, acting as anti vehicle with a fuel rod or using any other heavy weapon you can to support your force in whatever needs the sangheilli need.

Roleplay Level: Medium

Skill Level: Medium

Competence: Medium

Unique Feature: First Pick Of Heavy Weapons