Research Director

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ONI Research

ONI Research Director

Duties: Supervise the secret science facility owned by ONI
Faction: Office of Naval Intelligence
Difficulty: Very hard
Guides: Research 101, placeholder
Purpose: Leadership of researchers, supervisor of ONI Facility, Roleplay

You are the director of one of the most secretive ONI facilities. Your task is to supervise every aspect of it and mantain control of the facility. You are in command of the team of researchers and ONI security forces stationed there.

Work with your fellow researchers to aid the UNSC forces, to advance the fields of science, or just to mess around

Good Morning Director

Time to science!

You have a very large amount of resources available at your disposal to create whatever! Since you are the boss, it is your decision which will mark what will be the focus of the research. There are many "trees" of science that can be explored which can bring numerous benefits and problems.

Secure, Contain, Protect.

You have the ONI security forces at your disposal, protect your facility at all costs, if it falls the info inside it might be compromising either to ONI or to humanity. If unable to protect the facility and its defenses are breached, you are authorized to activate the nuclear warhead located on level 2. You can also authorize a fax to high command for reinforcements. Asking the UNSC forces for help will also work, but they might be busy dealing with insurgents or covenant.]

Play your Role

Roleplay is one of the key aspects of playing both director and normal research, you wont be doing much, but if you enjoy playing a character and developing a story, it is good to get away of the action for a while. Although eventually it may catch up.



The level 3 of the facility is entirely dedicated to the ORION program. It consists of several surgeries which will augment a person giving them an advantage over an average human or alien. While better, they're not invincible and if played unresponsively, they will die. Please be considerate with who you choose as a candidate, as it will impact their performance alot.


  • Patience is key, research might seem boring, but it is rewarding if used for something.
  • Roleplay is very important if you want to make this role more interesting.
  • There are thousands of things that can be done with research, from weapons to mechs.