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Revision as of 22:43, 11 December 2021 by Antonio72 (talk | contribs) (Reclamation guide, needs images and not all aspects of the mode are explained, however the UNSC vs Covenant conflict should be enough to act as a functional guide)
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The current game mode is Reclamation! The Covenant ransack the outer edges of human space for Forerunner artifacts.

What is Reclamation?

Reclamation is a mode in wich the covenant assaults an UNSC base in order to reach a colony in where a Forerunner artifact is located. The maps availiable for this mode may change, however, the concept doesn't change:

First stage: Bomb phase

In this first phase, the covenant has to bomb either two maps, depending on the map chosen in mapvote:

Cassius Moon/UNSC Outpost

This map is the same as the one found in Base Assault, and found in KS7_emsvile map on rotation.

The Covenant bomb team has to dropship down into the moon, and plant it in one of the randomised bomb spots just like in Base Assault. While the UNSC has to defend the outpost from the alien attack.

Once the Covenant team bomb explodes, the outpost will be removed from the map, that's when they need to take another spirit down, with the next items with them:

  • 1-2 Artifact Locators
  • 1-3 Scanner point Locators
  • 1-3 Artifact Scanners

All of these can be found in the center of the CRS Unyielding Transgression, in front of the bridge, exept for the Artifact locators, that can be found in the equipment ventors of all species.

ODP Cassius

On this version of Reclamation, the Covenant has to bomb a space instalation. This version of reclamation is found in the Geminus city and KS7_emsvile_spaceodp modes in map rotation.

The first stage is the same as in UNSC outpost, however, now the Covenant has to take their spirit to space, and with EVA gear break into the ODP Cassius with charges to plant the bomb into either randomised spots each round, or they can go to the MAC control room (Image needed), wich always has a bomb spot.ç

The strategy for this map should be the same, get in, plant bomb, defend, leave. Exept for the EVA armor being weaker than the standart one, at least the UNSC will also have to wear EVA too. It is a good idea to allow Unggoy and Yanme'e lead the charge, as can wear their normal armor and unggoy can spend as much time in space as they can in land due to breathing methane.

Second stage: Scanning phase

- [1459] Ernesto Hayhurst says, "Shit... What the hell happened?"

In this second phase, most of the UNSC forces are dispersed or dead, and if the Covenant manages to escape, this is where the side switch.

Now with all the items on the spirit, and down the colony, the Covenant must activate their Scanning point locators and bring the Scanners there. That's when the defense starts and the UNSC needs to retaliate.

The scanning points are usually set, and there is only a couple per map, however, you will need more scanners in case one gets destroyed. Now, the covenant has three strategies to their hands:

  • Slow but steady: Place only one scannner, and defend it with all your soldiers until the progress ends.
  • Rush B: Place both scanners as quick as possible and slit your forces to defend them, risky but faster.
  • Defense? More like ofense: Have one or two teams set the scanners, and another assault the remains of the UNSC to erase them of the colony, ensuring that the scanners will be not attacked. This is VERY VERY VERY risky. So its not recomended if you have low numbers or lost a lot in the bomb phase.

(Disclaimer: None of these strategies are official and only the opinion of the author, do not mention these in game please)

FINAL stage: Artifact hunt

The artifact has been found, now, let the hunt begin...

This is the final and most important stage of Reclamation:

Now its time to dust off those artifact locators, pray that none has been stolen and find it before the UNSC does.


This is a common mistake a lot of players walk into, the artifact can be in any z-level, and splitting off is always a bad idea when your enemy can spawn next to you.

The best way to solve this, is to go all together, even if you take more time, as long as your enemy doesn't have any locator you will be fine.

And, if you get your dirty hands into that artifact, congratulations, if you die on the next moments of the rounds you are going to be hated, so don't die. It is important to be careful when handling an artifact, each round it has a randomised effect that can range from changing the temperature of the 10 adjacent tiles to 100000 ºC to teleporting you to the other edge of the map or to just give you a slight tummy hurt, and whatever it is, you have to secure it, no matter what faction you are fighting for.

The next section contains glitches or bugs, while it may be important in the current revision of the game, future versions might not be affected

Due to a bug, if you place the artifact inside your dropship you won't be able to fly outside of the map, It is important that you place the artifact inside a container, may it be a crate, closet or coffin, anything works, place the container inside the dropship and you will be able to leave.


Now, the covenant has the artifact, this may be bad if you are an UNSC. But if you are a Covenant soldier, congratulations, you didin't win yet....

Don't worry! Now you can't loose, unless, of course, that happens- But we will focus on that later on the guide, right now we want to finish our mission, glassing the colony.

For this, you will have to requisition an energy projector gunboat, get inside of it, and start blasting the colony. It is always a good idea to keep doing it even if the planet sprite doesn't change, just to be sure.

If you are done, and that hasn't happened yet, you will need a sangheili to activate the slipspace drive, and exit the system, then you will be finished.


We have not talked about that yet, and it is...

A time limit. Once the 2:15 hour mark arrives on geminus, and 1:15 on KS7, an overwhelming human fleet will arrive to the system. Do not fight it. DO NOT. You are going to loose, forget your current objective and slipspace away, also, have in mind you can't slipspace while being close to the planet, so run, fast.

And, you say, you have no sangheili on board? Well bad luck, you are doomed, not like you could win in the first place, because a sangheili is needed, just enjoy and hope an admins calls a vote to end round early.