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== '''United Rebel Front Geurrilla Navy''' ==
== '''United Rebel Front Guerilla Navy''' ==
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== '''IV Foxhunter Triarii''' ==
== '''IV Foxhunter Triarii''' ==

Revision as of 16:56, 27 November 2018


United Rebel Front Forces

Role Description Purpose Difficulty
URF commander.png
Insurrectionist Commander
Congratulations, you've been put incharge of a bunch of underarmed, underpaid, untrained farmers. Hardened soldiers, ready to fight for freedom not matter the cost. You are the big dog in this sector, you and your cell, will ensure that it stays that way.. without getting yourself killed Show the UNSC who's boss!
Tactical support
Very Hard
URF innie.png
You make up the majority of the URFs forces, always ready to fight for freedom no matter the cost! or at least you should be ready, guerilla tactics will be your best bet at surviving a skirmish, hit the enemy with lightning speed inflicting as many casualties as possible.. without suffering too many of your own
Combat Operations
URF engineer.png
Insurrectionist Engineer
Instead of becoming A civil engineer or A construction worker. You've decided to put your knowledge to the cause, your primary goal is to build defenses and fighting positions for your comrades! However you could also make: improvised explosives, traps, armour plating and even weapons! Although they aren't exactly great weapons you still can! Do whatever it takes Comrade!
Combat / Support Operations
URF mg gunner.png
Insurrectionist Machinegunner
Comrade! You are trained in the use of heavy machineguns! Reign hell upon the UNSC scum with a barrage of bullets. Be the vodka drinking, machinegun shooting hero the URF Propaganda posters always told you to be!
Combat / Support Operations
URF pilot.png
Insurrectionist Pilot
A professional pilot, trained in the use of flying some of the best aircraft the URF has to offer! Whilst you're mainly transporting your fellow comrades back and forth, you may be required to provide CAS support for your comrades down below!
Combat / Support / Transport Operations
URF innie.png
Insurrectionist Sharpshooter
Combat / Support Operations
URF medic.png
Insurrectionist Combat Medic
Combat / Support Operations

United Rebel Front Guerilla Navy

Role Description Purpose Difficulty
URF.Ship Captain.png
Insurrectionist Ship Captain
Welcome abroad Captain! You've been put incharge of the URF Thorne
Tactical support / Fire support
URF.Ship crew.png
Insurrectionist Ship Crew
Tactical support / Fire support

IV Foxhunter Triarii

Role Description Purpose Difficulty
Foxhunter Recruit
Special Operations