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(Covenant ship, will make indications of rooms in a future)
m (favi complained about using the Iron Will layout, so i changed it)
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Starting at the umbilicals found in the middle of the ship, the first room connect to them is the <span style="color:#8B4513"> Hanger bays </span> which house the vehicles employed by the UNSC. Leaving the hangers, you can see both the <span style="color:#FFA500"> ODST and Marine armories </span> as well as the <span style="color:#32CD32"> Medical Bay </span> which will hold all the equipment you could need to deploy to the planet. Connected to the armories is the briefing room, which is directly connected to both the ODST and marine armories via a door located on the left side of both rooms. Outside the briefing room you'll find two <span style="color:#FFFF00"> Local Firing Control Rooms </span> which can be used to directly control the local ship weapons such as missiles and rockets. You'll also find the <span style= "color:#0000ff"> MAC room </span> which houses both of the MACs found on the Iron Will.
(Description of the ship facilities)
Down the halls leading right of the medbay, you'll find the <span style="#C0C0C0"> Brig </span> and the <span style="color:#800080"> Bridge </span>, futher along from there you'll find the <span style="color:#FF0000"> Engineering bay </span>. These three areas will ensure the ship itself can remain operational whilst ground operations are on going.
Other areas that aren't marked are the umbilicals (where you'll start) and the various boarding pods (the green ones) and escape pods (the white ones), aswell as the cryo bay (located to the north of the morgue section of the medbay)
=== Specifications ===
=== Specifications ===

Revision as of 18:19, 11 December 2021

CRS Unyielding Transgression

The CRS Unyielding Transgression, replacing the DAV Vindictive Infraction for its better combat performance, assigned to the Tauri 111 sector, it harasses and fights the UNSC forces located arround Geminus. It holds a detachment of each species with rooms for each one, the latest one being added to it the Jiralhanae, having as their improvised room part of the Sangheili bedrooms. The ship being a light cruiser, holds great tactical importance for the covenant to the sector. Created by the Assembly Forges.



(Description of the ship facilities)


Name: CRS Unyielding Transgression

Class: Zanar-Pattern/CRS Light Cruiser

Builders: Secondary Assembly Forges

Armour : Reinforced nanolaminate. 2,5 meters thick

Armaments: 8x Sintra-pattern plasma torpedo silos 18x Pulse Turrets

1x Energy projector

Repulsor engines

Length: 300 metres

Width: 145 Meters

Complement: Type-25 Troop Carrier Spirit (2) Type-26 Assault Gun Carriage Wraith (2) Type-29 Troop/Vehicle Transport Shadow (2) Type-32 Rapid Assault Vehicles Ghost (6) Type-55 Drop Pod IBC (14) Escape pods (4)

Minimum crew: 2

Designed: UNKNOWN

Laid down: UNKNOWN

Launched: UNKNOWN

Commissioned: UNKNOWN

The Zanar-pattern has been described as resembling "luminous manta rays." and are essentially a smaller and weaker version of the CCS-class battlecruiser. The Zanar-pattern and CCS-class are almost identical from the outside, distinguishable only by their difference in size and coloration.