Halo Space Station Evolved

Full Version: Flaksim's Development (Mapping) Application.
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What position are you applying for (Development or Staff)?

How old are you?
27 (23/11/1990)

Known IC Names Or Ckey:
Ckey: Flaksim
IC name: Maxime Kashada

Discord Name? (The projects preferred chat application):

What timezone are you in?

How active can you be?
I can devote 7 ish hours a week to this project, might be more, its my most conservative estimate.

How long have you been active within the Space Station 13 community?
Since 2007.

Do you have a history of bans?
I got banned on the goon server a couple of years ago, unsure why, but I believe I went "fuck it" and murderboned everyone one round.

Do you have any past experience as server staff/moderation?
I used to be the only staffer back when colonial marines first started out under kitty, but nothing on SS13 since then.
(Left the job in protest when the host was adamant that turning everyone who hit another teammember into a corgi was a good way to counter griefers: Griefers intentionally let themselves get hit by innocent players, whom then turned into corgi's and were mercilessly slaughtered by aliens, terribad.)

--Development Questions--

*If you are applying for development, What skills do you have?( Mapping, coding or spriting etc.) 
I'm a mapper, but I have dabbled in coding and spriting aswell, with mixed results.

*If you are applying for development, How long have you done Space Station 13 development?
I have been involved with SS13 since 2007, when I used to make bug corrections to the code and map. (These are the days of the flight bridge to engineering, and when a high pop round was 15+ players on a station that could fit 20 at max)

Since then I havent really worked on SS13, with one exception where I took an early version of SS13 and created a substantially larger map for it. (It was never used, server populations werent that high back in the day.)

I mostly worked on my Star Trek byond game pet project (some sprite attachements below, but we did map out a defiant, sovereign and starbase before we put it on hold) And twiddling with Stargate Online (Mapping various planets and ships for that game)

*If you are applying  as a mapper, How long have you been a Mapper and how well do you understand it?
I have been mapping on and off since 2007, but seriously mapping was mostly on SGO between 2012 and 2014, and my trek game around that period with Asha_LaPoe

Additionally, I tinkered with the prowler ship (since I found the layout illogical... Crossing half the ship to get from quarters to showers???) Anyways, I uploaded it here: https://ufile.io/rmqge
It compiles without issue on the latest src version on github.
Welcome to the team