Halo Space Station Evolved

Full Version: CSV 10108-14964-DS
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Accessing CSV personnel file of operative 10108-14964-DS
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(Name) Dominus Sanguine
(Rank) LT
(Squadron) 208th Helldivers
(Join Date) 2510
(Combat Status) Active

10108-14964-DS, or, Dominus Sanguine, Joined the airforce at the age of 18, following his dream of being a fighter pilot. He graduated the UNSC Air force academy with top marks, and was granted the Air Force Basic Military Training Honor Graduate Ribbon, and he was deployed into the 208th Helldivers squadron shortly after, providing air to surface/air to air fire support to the marines fighting the remaining insurrectionists on the outer colonies.

(I just used TopHatPenguin's template, as it seemed easiest to use.)