Halo Space Station Evolved

Full Version: URF Antonio72 Application
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Ckey (lowercased, spaces removed): antonio72

Discord name: Antonio72 #0589

In-character name:  Alejandro Gomez

general character info: A talkative spanish yound man, joined the insurrection after the discovery of the covenant to defend his world, however not with the UNSC, as he doesn't like the corps for reasons he doesn't like to talk about.

Reason for joining : I have liked the URF for a long time, my second option to play when the covenant was not in a mode.

Now that the URF has come back stronger than ever, I want to help my fellow insurrectionists win the war against the UNSC.
I find the URF more interesting to fight as (even tought I still wish to have the covenant as my main faction), I find the people more interesting to play with and wish to be part of it.

Order and dates of my lasts applications:
URF(This one):9-2-22