Halo Space Station Evolved

Full Version: Aroliacue's Spartan Whitelist
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CKEY: aroliacue

Discord name (eg Bob#123): Aroliacue#1911

How long have you been a member of the UNSC?: About two months now.

Have you ever been banned here, or on other servers?: I have not been banned from this server or any other servers.

Why do you think this application should be accepted?: I've been playing this server almost daily ever since I joined at the start of the year, and it's been very enjoyable thus far. I've played Spartan several times in the past and have done my best to maintain a decent standard of roleplay. Skill-wise, I'd say I'm about average and I wouldn't be 'wasting' the slot if I were to use it.

Name of the Spartan you want to play (Name-000. Avoid commonly known numbers like -117): Dante-043
Active player and community member. From what I remember, decent pre-whitelist Spartan. Accepted.