Halo Space Station Evolved

Full Version: Second Covenant Application
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Ckey (lowercased, spaces removed): 2cwldys

Discord name: 2cwldys#0637

In-character name: Flipyap

general character info: Flipyap is a minor Unggoy of the Covenant Hegemony, he performs the day to day cannon fodder tasks of their vast theocratic despotical empire. Quick to jump in line, child-like in behavior, prone to fits of dances and runs at the sight of too many imps. I obtained the name by playing Halo 3 ODST and hearing- "You killed my friend, Flipyap!"

Reason for joining : I haven't played in a few years but I do have an initial post where I was accepted to play Covenant, though it seems those whitelists have expired. The covenant is my favorite faction and lore segment of Halo, and I enjoy their various species and would like to gain access to all of them.

Roleplay Example/History: I've played on a myriad of servers, but in my time of playing SS13 it's just generally safe to assume I've been everywhere. My recent renewed interest in Halo: Infinite is what brought me back here. I have a preference for medium RP action servers (akin to this one) or outright HRP.