Halo Space Station Evolved

Full Version: Johnny Fanta - Moderator Application
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Age: 19

Ckey: Joefanta

Discord Name: Johnny Fanta#0979

Timezone: GMT+2

Time in SS13: Three years roughly, started off with Paradise.

Any SS13 Bans: 
Banned from Paradise permanently for screaming common profanities down the comms when I was tossed in the morgue and locked it in, argued that I had done nothing wrong and received a ban for my actions.
Banned from Bad Deathclaw once, then one day Ren spoke to me himself, gave me a clean slate and allowed me back in, didn't get banned after that.
Banned from this exact server once in 2019, I was let back in after a discussion with James about my actions, and then given a second chance. I've of course been a shitter sometimes in minor ways, but I kept my promise and never did anything malicious towards users of the community or on the server itself, did my best to keep a clean slate.
Ban from Beestation for releasing plasma, being an overall shitter.
Last ban was a Fulp ban when it was still a LRP server, releasing plasma and griefing.

Prior Moderation experience: 
None on SS13, I am familiar with the admin commands due to curiosity and local hosting servers for myself.
On GMOD though, I have been a moderator for the WW2 W-G Server when it officially released, then I ghosted myself and never touched the community again due to growing admin abuse and overall boredom. Right now I'm a HL2RP Gamemaster/Administrator for the Williard Gaming community, the guys have entrusted me with that position. The server is still in development, but Gamemaster is a difficult position to get and you require trust and knowledge to be put on the roster. Gamemaster deals with the quality of roleplay, creates events and situations for the players, putting them at the front of the action.

Personally, I think the most important thing about moderating is: 

Make the best out of it for yourself and the players. A moderator is there to overwatch the community and enforce it's guidelines in an acceptable way, create a comfortable atmosphere for the people who want to see action and roleplay, while adding spice to the overall gameplay and ensuring everything is going smooth. Other than that, it's just answering tickets correctly and without bias, something I've always been against.

Thank you for reviewing my application, the staff team requires more capable members.