Halo Space Station Evolved

Full Version: PatriotWasp's Ban appeal.
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Your Byond/Ckey Username: PatriotWasp

Your Discord Username: Baker#0666 (I've changed it since I was banned.)

Your character name (if relevant): Looooong-time ago, too long to remember.

Who were you banned by: BfPuffy420

Date of ban: 17-12-2018

Length of ban: Permenant

Full ban reason: "Fail rp as Covie, Broke RoE many times."

Appeal details/ Why should you be unbanned:

I was banned back in 2018. It's been about a year and a bit since this ban, I personally would like to think that I've improved as a person, and a roleplayer since this time. I now actively seek out MRP/HRP situations, and try to avoid LRP if at all possible, and try to Roleplay BEFORE getting mechanics involved. I think I've had plenty of time to reflect on what I've done wrong, and I'm ready to admit my mistakes, and act the better person now, I apologise for my actions, and can't think of a logical reason as to why I did this, besides my own lack of knowledge on how to act.
I will return an improved person, and personally think I could bring alot back, due to my long absence.
Looking back at your notes you were very toxic, lets hope you've really changed. ban lifted