Halo Space Station Evolved

Full Version: UEG Senate Application - Sif
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Ckey: 15RuneSif

Discord: Sif#2127

Previous bans on this server or others: None

Reason why you want to be a representative: 
We don't have any, nobody else wants to be one and I'd rather issues be presented with civility instead of people screaming for nerfs in Discord. I believe there shouldn't be animosity between players of other factions, and a fun and interesting server with three healthy factions beats constantly requesting for buffs for the one myself is in.

I will provide an example situation, I want you to tell me how you will handle it. Please be honest with this as your performance will be reviewed compared to this example.

Example: The Covenant was given a massive buff for balance, raising shield strength. However the UNSC is raising pitchforks because now their ship is being blown to bits more often. The URF has decided to jump on this as well. UNSC and URF players are now messaging you to bring this up to the staff.

What do you say?:

The first thing I'd do before saying anything is gather more information. I would ask in every faction chat of their opinions of the changes and any effects of note they have to tell me. Once that's all said and done, I'd present the information gathered and the opinions of those who weighed in, primarily from those with factions affected by this. If asked, I may provide potential solutions that involve things such as increasing the LB hull strength or their own weapons over simply nerfing the cruiser back to its previous state (unless that's actually the solution.) Regardless of the outcome, my goal would be to present community opinions and come to a solution that satisfies all involved parties.
Approved, welcome to the senate