Halo Space Station Evolved

Full Version: Wizard's Mod App
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Age: 19

Ckey: DiscordWizard

Discord Name: Wizard

Timezone: GMT+2

Time in SS13: 2 years and a half

Any SS13 Bans: Paradise once, appealed. Kind of dumb, it was my third ever game and accidentally uploaded something I really shouldn't into the public library thinking I was simply going to make a book.

Prior Moderation experience: A few months in Sojourn, almost a year of Administrator in Citadel

Personally, I think the most important thing about moderating is: Patience and learning, as well as being professional when handling game/chat issues or doubts. You have to both be able to communicate properly with superior staff members and the players to act as a bridge in-between and remain calm during any stressful moments, lest you go and abuse any of your powers unrightfully or be biased and give out missinformation.