Halo Space Station Evolved

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Ckey: Chambers00

Discord name: Chambers00

In-character name: Mack Samuel

general character info: 
Sex: Male
Age: 18 (2525)
Background- From an unspecified outer colony, at the age of 14 the UNSC came to his planet in an attempt to persuade his people into joining there side of the civil war through diplomacy, but a few moment later during the meeting the Insurrectionists shown up attempt to disrupt the meeting by attempting to assassinate the the diplomat, after the assassination attempt his peaceful became nothing but 9 weeks of a Hellscape. After being finally evacuated he grew a disdain taste towards the Insurrectionist and enlisted as an UNSC marine at the age of 16. (If I'm not lore accurate please tell me)

Which role is your character's main(ex: Technician, Marine, etc): Assault Recon

Reason for joining : I always wanted to play as an UNSC marine and rise through the ranks, hopefully I can train myself to be more robust and become an ODST.
Welcome to the UNSC